9:30 AM - 10:00 AM 1 Hour(s) | Registration & Networking |
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM 15 min(s) | Welcome & Opening Remarks Arlen Oransky, Executive Vice President, Chief Membership Officer, Money Management Institute
Forum Co-Chairs: Robbie Cannon, Founder, Board Member, Horizon Investments Steve Carl, Chief Distribution Officer, Madison Investments Kirsten Pickens, Co-Head of U.S. Distribution, FS Investments Mark Rewey, Director of Marketing & Business Development, Segall Bryant & Hamill |
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM 45 min(s) | The Aggregator Channel: What It Takes for Emerging Managers to Be Successful
For emerging managers, one of the best opportunities for growth is in the aggregator channel, but it is critical to understand the key elements for success in this arena. In this session, three of the fastest growing aggregators in the industry discuss their structures, business models, and investment research frameworks. You will gain a clear understanding of their key products and the growth opportunities, as well as some of the principal trends and challenges facing their advisors today.
Moderator: Gabriel Gavilanes, Executive Director, National Accounts – RIA Aggregators, FS Investments
Panelists: Matthew Cooper, President, Beacon Pointe Advisors Patrick McGowan, Managing Director, Head of Manager Research & Alternative Investments, Sanctuary Wealth |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 1 Hour(s) | Optimizing Your Sales Resources and Structure: Small-Group Discussions In a world where more advisors are working remotely and are increasingly comfortable doing business electronically, how do you keep in front of them and be viewed as a valuable resource? From people and process to technology tools and modern techniques, a successful distribution strategy requires constant 2 mminst.org refinement of multiple inputs. Get ready to share your experience and perspective with your fellow attendees. Everything is on the table for this interactive session – from coverage models and effective use of data to the proper mix of internal, external and hybrid wholesalers and the role of key accounts. |
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM 15 min(s) | Refreshment & Networking Break |
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM 1 Hour(s) | Evaluating and Implementing New Product Structures: Making the Right Choices
Mutual funds, manager-traded separate accounts, model-delivered separate accounts, CITs, and various flavors of ETFs – emerging managers have more choices today than ever before of product structures and vehicles through which to deliver their portfolio management expertise. This session examines the advantages and disadvantages of different product structures, their appeal to retail and institutional allocators, and the ease and cost of launching them
Moderator: Bing Waldert, Managing Director, U.S. Research, Cerulli Associates
Panelists: Bobby Brooks, President of RiverShares, RiverFront Investment Group Steve Kyllo, Senior Vice President, Director and Chief Compliance Officer, SS&C ALPS Paolo Villasenor, Head of Product Development, North America & Global Pricing, Janus Henderson Investors |
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM 1 Hour(s) | Networking Luncheon |
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM 45 min(s) | To Outsource or Not to Outsource?
The opportunity exists for emerging managers to outsource virtually every aspect of their business except portfolio management. This session focuses on how to determine which functions to outsource and which to handle in-house. Our panel will discuss how allocators view a manager’s decision to outsource various functions, best practices in vendor selection, and the risks and challenges of switching out an underperforming vendor.
Moderator: Matt Caulfield, Chief Revenue Officer, Archer
Panelists: Matt Harris, Associate Director, Asset & Wealth Management Consulting – North America, Alpha Financial Markets Consulting Sara Levin, Director, ETF and Derivative Trading, WallachBeth Capital Brent Nicks, Associate Director, Oyster Consulting, LLC |
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Meet the Gatekeepers: Round Robin Session 1
Getting the time and attention of distribution gatekeepers can be tough. We’re here to help! We’re dedicating four hours over the two days of the Forum afternoon to highly interactive roundtable sessions that put you face-to-face with representatives from key firms across a range of distribution channels.
The small-group, round robin format allows you to: • interact directly with knowledgeable decision makers across various channels, • learn the best ways to engage with different platforms and add value to their efforts, and • develop a roadmap and next steps to navigate specific distributors.
To provide maximum value and make efficient use of the available time, attendees are encouraged to submit questions for the platform representatives in advance of the session.
Wirehouse Channel: Andrew Folsom, Senior Investment Analyst, Wells Fargo Investment Institute Kristen Griffin, Head of Investment Manager Analysis, UBS Anna Snider, Head of Due Diligence, CIO Office, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
National Channel: Jason Hoody, Head of Investment Manager Research, LPL Financial Johnny Suarez, Director, Manager Research, Asset Management Services, Raymond James Aaron Hanson, Vice President, Manager – U.S. Due Diligence, Global Manager Research, RBC Wealth Management
TAMP Channel Zoe Brunson, Chief Investment Strategist, AssetMark Brooks Friederich, Principal Director, Investment Solutions Strategy, Envestnet Chris Hart, Head of Investment Due Diligence, Orion Sharon Hughes, Director, Third Party Asset Manager Network, Morningstar
Multi-Channel: Will Beck, Senior Vice President, Wilshire Associates Cameron Cooke, Executive Vice President, Investment Consulting, HUB Retirement and Wealth Management Rufat Garalov, Senior Investment Analyst, Transamerica Asset Management Raani Varma, Senior Research Analyst, Investment Manager Research, Charles Schwab Investment Advisory |
4:00 PM- 4:15 PM 15 min(s) | Refreshment & Networking Break |
4:15 - 5:15 PM 45 min(s) | Meet the Gatekeepers: Round Robin Session 2 |
5:15 PM - 6:30 PM 45 min(s) | Cocktail & Networking Reception |
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